Wolves in the Throne Room |
Tuesday February 20 2009 (La Boule Noire) |
Prior to the rest, we would like to thank warmly Martin Hörsch for his kindness and availability. Thanks also to Aaron Weaver for his patience during all this long interview so close of the show. |
Roadburn's 2008 edition buzz, Wolves In The Throne Room is an American band mixing different sort of influences, merged around a deep black metal atmosphere. This interview took place just before their show in Paris. WITTR will be present at the HELLFEST 2009 and WALDROCK 2009 (NL). Their third full length album "BLACK CASCADE" will be released by spring on SouthernRecords |
Fab: Could you present yourself and the band for those who wouldn’t know you yet? Fab: What is your musical background? |
Spirit: Anything behind the WITTR name? A special signification? Spirit: Something about the new LP to come “Black Cascade”? Did Will Lindsay brought something new ? |
Spirit: Is there a concept on the new album? |
Fab: It’s why there’s always four songs on your albums? Fab: As you’re lovers of Nature, and you can talk about your way of living if you want to, you want to keep your sound as “natural” as possible, you ‘ll really never ever use a computer or any overproducing stuff in recording studios? It’s a way of conduct? |
Fab: In a cave (laughter). |
Fab: Do you revel in the fact of not being easily musically labelled? To “lose” people as you play different styles in your music. |
Fab: The use of female vocals is really great, it adds another layer, but we doesn’t hear this that often in Black Metal. So why did you add this? A need for creation? |
Fab: Do you relate to CULT OF LUNA’s way of creating and recording music? (they were living in a isolated woodhouse cabin in the middle of a forest, in the cold winter). |
And we got really really deep inside the record, we worked for twelve or fourteen hours on the music and just fall asleep right there on the floor sometimes, and wake up and get right back to it. And we’ve done that for weeks, and I think that’s a really important thing to do, because you forget everything else, you forget everything else in your life. Seems you focus entirely on that very specific piece of, that specific spirit of energy that you’re trying to create with the record. We all gonna be a little bit crazy, we got all estranged, but I think that makes for good music when you sort of lose touch with reality a little bit. |
Fab: Would you consider your music as complementary to black metal, often seen as satanist, as another level, another step further? Or it is completely something else? Different, unusual and/or political? |
Fab: Congratulations about the great pictures on your website, with several photographers. Very moody and beautiful. Whose idea was it, or What’s the idea behind it? |
Aaron: We went to the Cascade mountains, the mountains range that I’ve mentioned earlier, and camped out for a few days, and have created all the images with models and with props. It’s quite interesting. I really think you’ll enjoy that. It’s quite good. We worked with a friend of ours, a photographer who’s also a musician, he’s interested in Black Metal music, he’s interested in shamanism, spiritual journeying, esoteric things. His name is Johnny Delacy. He’s actually in a band or a musical group called FAUNA which just released a record on Aurora Borealis (record label), their music is available in Europe. I mean, they’re completely amazing. I wish that more people were able to see what they do, because their live show is so intense and so powerful. But they’re both really reclusive men, the two fellows in FAUNA, and they’re far more reclusive than WITTR. But thank you for the compliment on the artwork. Fab: A word about your interest in Rudolf Steiner? |
Spirit: A little “french question”. What do you think about Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his “theory of natural man”. |
And I don’t make value judgments, necessarily about whether modern life is good or bad, or whether our primitive way of living is good or bad. Our band is not about making…judging things, and so, within the same time I think you can’t deny that, I think I said this earlier, modern people think in a very different way than ancient people think, we perceived the world in a lot of different way, so I’d disagree with Rousseau, I wouldn’t say that we were corrupted, that we were in a state of grace, that we used to live in Eden and then we were cast out. I would say that we’ve changed, we’ve moved from the ancient way of being to this modern way of being. And what WITTR wants to do is really questioning that, and really sort of deeply understand what that really means. And to consider transforming again, to take control of our own lives, to take control of our relationship with the spiritual world, and consciously take a step towards something else. And again, not judging, not saying that we’ve been casted out of Eden by some angry creator, and should be, go back there. But something happened for sure, just to be aware of that, and to take that seriously. |
Spirit: As death & destruction of humanity are recurrent themes in your lyrics, do you think human could really exist in the modern society without a rebirth through destruction? Fab: As Americans, a comment about Barack Obama’s election? |
Fab: We’re slaves of the world we’ve created? |
Fab: Are you happy to be on the HELLFEST 2009’s bill? Spirit: It will be different than the Roadburn Festival. It’s a bigger audience, but you will probably play on the tent stage, which is usually in front of 2000 people and obviously in the dark. |
Spirit: Anyway, you had very good echoes from last year Roadburn’s Festival. |
Spirit: A last question, how would you describe your performance on stage? What is your state of mind? 1. Cascadia : Defined as the watersheds of rivers that flow into the pacific Ocean through Noth America’s temperate rainforest zone, Cascadia, or the Pacific Northwest, extends from northern California to southern Alaska –along a coastline once cloacked in nearly continuous rainforest- and inland as far as the continental divide (Northwest environment watch) |